Postmodern Audiences
The impact of postmodern media on audiences and the ways in which we think about texts . How do post-modern media texts challenge traditional text-reader relations and the concept of representation? In what ways do media audiences and industries operate differently in a post-modern world? • have audiences become accustomed to the stimulation and excitement of spectacular films/games and a sense of spectacle has become something that (young?) audiences increasingly demand from cultural experiences? • has narrative coherence become less important for audiences? • in terms of ideas, has cultural material become more simplistic and superficial, and audiences are no longer so concerned with the process of understanding a text. Think here about a film like Moulin Rouge where the plot is in some sense irrelevant to the overall impact of the film. • has the attention span of audiences reduced as they become increasingly accustomed to the spectacle-driven and episodic nature of po...